Tag Archives: Kids

The Last Week of the Last Year, of the First Half of My Life

For whatever reason, I seem to be inspired by big calendar dates and life events. I started this blog on my birthday in 2010, shortly after getting married, and deeply feeling my 36 years of age. Then very quickly I got bored, or distracted, or lazy, and stopped posting. About a year later I tried to get back on track on New Years Day 2012, but that fizzled.

Fast-forward four years: I am quickly approaching 40, and goddamn do I feel it!

We all know that 40 is the classic “mid-life crisis” age, and as I get ready to careen off that cliff I guess that lately I have become reflective of all-things-Dan. So much has happened in the recent days, weeks and months, but truly the whirlwind of the past four years has been due to the August 2012 arrival of my twin sons: Cormac and Ansel (aka Hulk and Thor). They are now two years old and just as wonderful and challenging as you might expect.

Monte Vista Hotel
The boys holding court at the Monte Vista Hotel in Flagstaff, AZ – June 2014

Yes, they’re delightful and adorable, but let’s be clear: two years of raising twins has been damn hard. Only recently have I had a chance to look around, take a breath, and consider re-booting. And that’s exactly how I’m treating it; this is a long overdue reboot of the blog.

As I mentioned above, I’ve done this before, and with miserable results, so my personal challenge this time is to blog at least something small, EVERY SINGLE DAY. I know I will fail at some point, but hopefully it will take a long time before that happens.

I still hope to use this space as an outlet for everything from my Bay Area transit fantasies, to random adventure chronicles, and whatever else comes up, and needless to say I hope lots of space will be devoted to the exciting adventures of my little superheroes.

That’s all I got for now. In the meantime, please catch up with my wonderful wife’s blog. She has done a bang-up job documenting the last two years with the boys.


* Thanks to my friend and colleague from a former life, Tom Collins, for the inspiration for the title of this post