Tag Archives: goodbye

About Face

Just a quick note to announce that I’ve followed through with last week’s post about ditching Facebook. I did wind up keeping the account active, just in case I ever need to “use Facebook to authenticate” as many sites are doing lately.

What I did do though was to go through and un-friend everyone, and remove most of my information.

What do you think of my new profile pic below?

No Facebook

Smell Ya Later Facebook*

Smell ya laterOhai!

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you had no idea this blog existed, and simply clicked over from my Facebook page. Or if you did know, you probably did not know that I recently gave it a bit of a “reboot”.

Either way, welcome to Last Dan Standing.

A week ago I got back into ye-olde-web-log, after a long hiatus. I challenged myself to the ambitious goal of posting something, even something small, at least once a day. It’s been challenging, but so far so good. We’ll see how long it lasts.

Today is my birthday. I know lots of Facebookers will be looking at my feed and wishing me a happy one. That’s all fine and good, and I appreciate the gesture, but I’m sorry to say that I’m breaking up with you.

I mean, not breaking up with YOU, or YOU, or any one person obviously, but with the collective YOU that is Facebook. Sorry Facebook, but I’m over you, your ads, your viral nonsense, your algorithms, your political correctness, your political obtuseness, your compromised security, your Farmville-Mafia-Wars-Clash-Of-Clans-Candy-Crush-In-App-Purchase-Manipulative-Bullshit, and the rest of it.

I have to admit, you’re not all bad. For example, how else would I have been able to follow the I Hung Out at the DPC group without you? And of course you are handy at showing many of the marriages, pregnancies, births, birthdays, deaths, parties, jokes, memes, and cultural moments of our time.

Ultimately though, it’s just not worth it. Separating Facebook’s wheat from its chaff depresses the hell out of me.

So what does this mean for all my Facebook friends?

Well, it’s pretty straightforward. If you currently follow my shenanigans on Facebook, and want to keep doing so, here’s all the places online you can find them:

Long Posts:

Short posts, semi-profound thoughts, retweets, and Dad jokes:
@tinyviking on Twitter

Casual/social pictures and videos:
@lastdanstanding on Instagram

Semi-serious pictures, and/or those that don’t fit Instagram’s square form factor:
@lastdanstanding on Flickr

Semi-serious videos, or those that don’t fit Instagram’s 15-second limitation:
@lastdanstanding on Vimeo

Awesome stuff from the seedy underbelly of the Internet re-shared by me:
@lastdanstanding on Tumblr

Music streaming/sharing:
@lastdanstanding on Rdio

I realize this transition will be a pain for some people who live and die by Facebook, and I’m sure I will completely lose touch with a handful of people because of it. Apologies in advance if I’m describing you. Just remember, it’s not about you; it’s about Facebook.


* Thanks to my Instagram friend @margaretocracy for her recent post which inspired the title of this one.