Author Archives: lastdanstanding


Today I made tacos al pastor for dinner, and they were spectacular. Al pastor, of course, is the mouth-watering chile-braised pork found in many taquerias. It had never occurred to me that it could be prepared at home, but when I saw the recipe for Spicy Pork Tacos in the Cook’s Illustrated Summer Grilling magazine, I knew what I had to do. It had also never occurred to me to wonder what al pastor actually means, but thanks to the recipe I now know it’s shepherd-style.

It’s an ambitious recipe, so first things first. The wife took the boys out of the house so I could focus on the task at hand. I started by cleaning up from breakfast, and laying out ingredients so I had room to work.

Then of course, I made a margarita. I make mine with Hornitos Tequila, Triple Sec, juice from half a lime, and a splash of Mezcal for smokiness. Now I was ready to cook!

The recipe’s instructions are pretty involved but straightforward. I did my thing, chopping, peeling, etc. Pretty soon I was adding items to the Dutch oven. The colors of the chiles, tomatoes, bay leaves and garlic looked great together, almost like a delicious Mexican flag in a pot.

Fast forward several hours and the pork was simmering away, smothered in the now-blended ingredients.

The end result was seriously some of the best food I’ve ever prepared. Smoky and spicy, with a nice hit of sweet from some fresh grilled pineapple. This was the real deal.

As good as it was, there was room for improvement. One issue I had was that some of the pork broke down so much while simmering that it lost its integrity on the grill, and slipped through the cracks. Meanwhile I removed some of the remaining pork from the grill too early, because I was afraid of losing even more to the cracks. So some of the meat could have used more time on the grill to char up.

Overall though the flavor was pretty awesome, and next time I have an entire day to hang out drinking margaritas I will be making it again.

It’s Getting Drafty in Here

It’s that time of year. School is back in session; the weather in the Bay Area turns toward Indian Summer, and countless dudes (and some lady-dudes) sit around their computers selecting NFL players for their fantasy football teams.

Going into a fantasy football draft is often the best part of the football season. Opportunities are limitless. Most managers, of most teams, in most leagues, have a very real chance of walking out of their drafts with a playoff-caliber team.

Most years I spend an embarrassing amount of time crafting a spreadsheet, ranking players, color-coding tiers, highlighting sleepers, noting lopsided strength of schedules, etc. It’s crazy. And also, it doesn’t work.

So much of fantasy football is luck-driven that I’m simplifying things greatly this year. For one thing, I’m all about the Colts QB. I mean, luck-driven…am I right???

Seriously though, I have simplified my strategy. I’ve pre-ranked my players based on a single source, and I’ll have a few notes to look at during the draft. Mostly though, I’m going to just eat pizza, drink beer, and relish the sense of opportunity for my team: Crimea River. Get it?

Vladimir Putin riding a bear, because Internet

What is problem?


A Day in the City; Also, Moar Hyperlapse!

I spent today by myself in San Francisco doing some clothes shopping. Now that I’m a dad it’s pretty hard to find time for such mundane activities as buying a pair of jeans, but fortunately BJ was amenable to it, since it’s my birthday weekend, and also she’s the best.

It was great having some time to myself, on a beautiful day in the city. Between the Burning Man exodus this weekend, and school having started up again, the crowds downtown were very manageable, and it being Labor Day weekend, I even got to take advantage of some sales.

To get to the SF, I hopped on the trusty AC Transit 26, which takes me right to the 12th Street BART station. Here’s a Hyperlapse snippet of the ride as I roll past Lake Merritt.

Once on BART I made another Hyperlapse of the view towards the port. This one was too long for Instagram, so I posted it to Vimeo.

Shopping was moderately successful; I picked up a few shirts, and tried on some Levi’s Commuter jeans which I’ve been eyeing. Turns out I didn’t buy them, but it was nice to check ’em out.

Lunch was splendid. I went to Burger Bar, which is my standby for Union Square shopping trips. It was a ridiculously expensive choice, but I ate the Hubert Keller signature buffalo burger, washed down with a pint of Dogfish Head IPA.

On the return BART ride home, I did another Hyperlapse, covering most of the same terrain as the previous. This one was short enough to squeeze into Instagram, and so that’s where it landed.

I’m really enjoying Hyperlapsing. It’s funny because I always thought Instagram’s video support was kind of a dumb gimmick, and I boycotted it. But now that they’re doubling down on the gimmick, I guess I’m all in!