You may have noticed a new look to the ol’ blog. I’m still figuring out how I want all this to work, and this easy-on-the-eyes theme seemed like a nice step. I’m also working on my integration with some or all of these other blogging and Internet services. Originally my goal was to find a way to integrate everything: WordPress (this blog), Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr, YouTube, Instaram…
Currently, when I post to this blog, I also “announce” that post via Tumblr, which also propagates to Twitter and Facebook. I don’t know if that’s the best solution, but it’s what I came up with when I started this whole thing. You may wonder why I even have a Tumblr, seeing as how this WordPress site is my primary blog. Again, I’m not entirely sure myself, but so far I (like most people it seems) tend to use Tumblr to share random bits of Internet goodness, and use WordPress for longer, text-heavy posts.
I may rethink these approaches, but for now it’s what I’ve got. Maybe using disparate tools in some sort of political-esque talking-point-stay-on-message onslaught is not necessarily the best use of those tools. Also, I don’t want to spam people. Next thing you know I might be “woofing” all my posts:
So anyway, dear reader, I am working on the right level of self-exposure for 2011, but rest assured I will keep this going with such topics as travel, photography, infrastructure, transparency, technology, media overload, and maybe, just maybe I will be become a first-time homeowner in 2011 and write about that.
Heh, heh, I said homo…
Okay, and on that note, thanks for checking in, and Happy New Year!